The long-term benefits of moving to the cloud
It is shaping up to be an exciting year here at HyCloud. Technology is moving faster than most businesses can keep pace with and as an IT professional, I see the joy our clients experience after moving to a pure cloud or hybrid-cloud configuration. One of the biggest challenges we face in explaining our services to our customers is the long term benefits of moving their IT experience to the cloud.
What the cloud brings to your business
The Public Cloud is backed by the biggest names in the business. It offers customers the flexibility to scale their organization from small to enterprise with very little effort. The move from capital to operating expenditure can sometimes feel overwhelming. Being in the IT field for over 20 years, we have seen many different solutions and configurations come and go, but there has been nothing else out there that can match the simplicity and security that the cloud brings to business.
Over the past 3 years, HyCloud has invested heavily in automation technologies that bring several different systems together to provide a seamless end user experience. Single sign-on and multi-factor capability means we can get you access to your data with less effort. In other words, you can work more efficiently with less dependence on technical support, and unparalleled security. When I’m asked “Is the cloud secure?” my response is always the same: you do not have a big enough budget to implement the kind of security the public cloud can offer. Big Data companies spend millions of dollars every year on IT security alone.
Do you still need a physical server?
Some of the advances made in the past year mean leaving traditional IT behind by moving computing resources to a more simplified yet flexible environment. Do you really need a physical server anymore? Our studies show that with the majority of high speed Internet connections available to businesses today, the need for client-server technology has been decreasing at a rapid rate of 15% per year in the past 5 years alone. By 2025, it is our prediction that 90% of all businesses will have either moved to the public cloud completely or have a hybrid-cloud environment.
What’s next for cloud computing?
So what’s next? Glad you asked because we at HyCloud are about to embark on a complete transformation to what I like to call the “one true cloud”. This involves several emerging technologies such as:
- Server-less directory services
- Cross-platform device management
- Mobile remote assistance
- Cloud based desktop computing
- Cloud based remote applications
- Artificial Intelligent Management of IT (AIMIT)
For our Canadian customers, the time has never been better to move your business into the Cloud. We have partnered with companies like Microsoft and Citrix to move your data into local Canadian datacenters. Contact us today and let us transition your business to the one true cloud.